Dear international applicants,
感谢您对南昌大学的关注。疫情期间,我校2020年秋季入学的来华留学生申请及录取工作仍正常进行。请申请人根据我校招生简章的要求,在规定时间内完成申请(各类申请截止时间可能会适当推迟,请关注http://iec.ncu.edu.cn/ 以获得最新信息)。我校将通过审核申请材料、电话或网络面试等形式完成录取工作。申请人无须邮寄纸质申请材料,无须亲自到学校咨询。如有任何疑问,可以通过邮件联系我们,我们将及时回复您的咨询。咨询联系邮箱为study@ncu.edu.cn。
Thank you for your attention to Nanchang University. All the applications and admission procedures for international students (2020 fall intake) are going on as normal during the COVID-19 epidemic. You can submit your application by email (study@ncu.edu.cn) . Deadlines for application might be postponed, please check http://iec.ncu.edu.cn/ for the latest information. Documents reviews, interview and admissions will all be taken online by Nanchang University. No need to post the paper documents. No need to come to the office for consultation. Just feel free to contact us via email: study@ncu.edu.cn
All-out efforts are being made by the Chinese government to curb the spread of the disease. Jiangxi Provincial Government and Nanchang Municipal Government have launched the highest level of responding mechanism for major public health emergency to contain the disease and protect people’s life and health. Nanchang University has also taken various measures to avoid the impact of the epidemic on teaching and learning, such as postponing the start of the new semester, keeping daily track of the health condition of all teachers and students, implementing online teaching and learning, and disinfecting dormitories, canteens and classrooms to make our campus safer. All staff in Nanchang University always pay close attention to students’ physical and mental health and their daily life. The proper epidemic prevention measures of the University and the warm care of the faculty and staff make international students full of the sense of belonging and the confidence in overcoming the epidemic.
权威媒体:中国外交部、CGTN、China Plus、China Daily 等。
Please follow the suggested medias to get the latest news on COVID-19 prevention and control.
Authoritative media: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of PRC (https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/mfa_eng/) , China Daily (http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/), China Global Television Network (https://www.cgtn.com/).
Nanchang University medias:
Website: http://www.ncu.edu.cn
Trust us! China has the confidence and capability to win the battle on the prevention and control of COVID-19. Everything will turn out to be fine sooner. Looking forward to seeing you in Nanchang University. Wish you healthy and happy every day!
International Exchagne College
Nanchang University