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Application Demands


一、Identity Demands:

1. International students with foreign nationality;

2. If both or one of the parents is a Chinese citizen and has settled in a foreign country, and he / she has foreign nationality at birth, he / she does not have Chinese nationality;

3. Hold a valid foreign passport or nationality certificate for more than 4 years (inclusive), and have a record of actual residence in a foreign country for more than 2 years in the last 4 years (before April 30 of the enrollment year) (the actual residence in a foreign country for more than 9 months in a year can be counted as one year, subject to the entry and exit signatures).

二、Education Demands:

1. Undergraduate students are required to have graduated from high school;

2. Master's students are required to have obtained a bachelor's degree;

3. Doctoral students are required to have obtained a master's degree.